NAMI Homefront - RI Arsenal 2019

04/08/2019 06:00 PM - 05/13/2019 08:30 PM CT


  • Free


ASC Headquarter Bldg/ Garden Level Conference Room (Basement)
Rock Island Arsenal
Rock Island, IL 61299
United States of America
Room Number: #390


NEW! NAMI Homefront—for Service Member Families
This is an adaptation of Family-to-Family class designed for active duty and veteran
service member families. NAMI and the VA have a Memorandum of Understanding to
offer this education class at no cost to family members and caregivers of an adult loved
one living with a serious mental health condition.



NAMI Homefront is a no cost, six-session education program for family and friends of Military Service Members and Veterans with mental health conditions. It focuses on the unique needs of active duty and veteran communities, such as post-deployment and post-discharge transitions.


April 8th, - May 13th 2019

6:00 - 8:30 PM

Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois

ASC HQ Building 390

Garden Conference Room (Basement)


The course is designed to help family members understand and support their loved one while maintaining their own well-being. The instructors of this course are also family members who have experience with military culture and know what it is like to have a loved one living with a mental health condition.


Neon CRM by Neon One